By Golan --- I’d like to share with our community a few thoughts from my recent visit to Israel. Despite immense challenges, I was deeply moved by the resilience and strength of our brothers and sisters there.
At Ben Gurion Airport, a massive display of hostage pictures stood as a powerful reminder that everyone matters. Similar displays were everywhere—train stations, schools, and public spaces—all carrying a message of social solidarity.
Alongside the grief, life moves forward. Restaurants were full, streets were lively, and the sound of music and conversation filled the air. The contrast between grief and celebration is striking - but meaningful.

As some groups around the world continue to single out Israel for condemnation, overlooking abundant injustice anywhere else - we keep standing strong. Through this crisis, we have found which friends stood with us, and which didn't. I have been especially touched by the solidarity from many of our Christian friends, something I have seen in my work with the community. They remind us that we are not alone.
Beyond that, I’ve seen a growing unity among our people. Disagreements remain, as they should in any healthy society, but the bitterness that once divided us seems to have faded in the face of greater challenges. May our differences be a source of growth, not division.